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Prevent These by Booking Quality Boat Detailing Services

5 Dangers of Neglecting Your Boat’s Need for a Detailing

You love your boat and probably spend time and money to make sure it’s in perfect condition. However, if you’ve been neglecting the need for boat detailing, you may have more to worry about than you realize. Here are 5 dangers of NOT detailing your boat:

Paint Fading

The paint job is one of the most important and visible parts of your boat. But regular trips out to sea can leave your boat vulnerable to weathering and erosion. While a waxing or a coat of polyurethane can protect the top layers of paint and make sure your boat keeps its shine, neglecting to do this can cause your boat’s paint job to fade.

Mildew or Algae Growth

Mildew and algae are common enemies of boat owners. However, the warm and damp conditions of a boat’s environment can leave your boat vulnerable to it growing. Detailing can help reduce the risk of mildew or algae by keeping the boat clean and free of any material for them to feed on.

Rust Build-Up

Any boat will be exposed to water and air, two elements that can cause severe rusting of the boat over time if left untreated. Rust can also speed up the erosion of the boat’s paint and structure and needs to be avoided at all costs. Boating detailing can help reduce this risk by keeping the boat’s surfaces clean and well-protected.

Excessive Weight

Oftentimes boating owners can get carried away and add too much weight to their boats. While it may seem like a necessary addition, the excess weight can put unnecessary strain on the boat’s engines and lead to major repair costs down the road. Detailing can help reduce this risk by keeping the boat’s frame free of any added weight such as barnacles, sediments, and chips.

Cosmetic Problems

Boating detailing can also help reduce cosmetic problems by keeping the boat’s surfaces smooth and free of any dirt or residue. Sun rays, salt water, and other elements can all damage the tint of the boat and the paint job significantly, and detailing can help prevent this from happening.

If you’re looking for a reliable boat detailing service, Barracuda Boat Restoration Inc. has been providing quality service for years and can help with all of your detailing needs in Miami, FL. For inquiries, dial (786) 470-4634!

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